Linux commands for DevOps Engineer

Linux commands for DevOps Engineer


2 min read

DevOps engineers often work with various Linux commands to manage servers, deploy applications, and automate tasks. Here is a list of commonly used Linux commands for DevOps:

  1. File and Directory Management:

    • ls: List files and directories.

    • cd: Change directory.

    • cp: Copy files or directories.

    • mv: Move or rename files and directories.

    • rm: Remove files or directories.

    • mkdir: Create a new directory.

  2. Text Processing:

    • cat: Concatenate and display the content of files.

    • grep: Search for a pattern in files.

    • sed: Stream editor for filtering and transforming text.

    • awk: Pattern scanning and text processing tool.

  3. File Permissions:

    • chmod: Change file permissions.

    • chown: Change file owner and group.

  4. Package Management:

    • apt (Debian/Ubuntu): Advanced Package Tool.

    • yum (Red Hat/CentOS): Yellowdog Updater, Modified.

    • dnf (Fedora): Dandified Yum.

    • zypper (openSUSE): openSUSE package manager.

  5. Process Management:

    • ps: Display information about running processes.

    • top: Display and update sorted information about processes.

    • kill: Terminate a process.

    • pkill: Signal processes based on their name.

  6. System Information:

    • uname: Display system information.

    • df: Display disk space usage.

    • du: Display the disk usage of the specified directory.

    • free: Display amount of free and used memory in the system.

  7. Networking:

    • ifconfig or ip: Display or configure network interfaces.

    • ping: Test the reachability of a host on a network.

    • traceroute: Trace the route that packets take to reach a network host.

    • netstat: Display network connections, routing tables, and interface statistics.

  8. SSH:

    • ssh: Connect to a remote server securely.

    • scp: Secure copy files between hosts.